Spring Day in Europe 2005 - Primavera dell'Europa 2005 -
Inventa una leggenda per l'Europa/Invent a legend for Europe
3rd form/B - La forza di una donna chiamata Europa/The strength of a lady named Europe by Rosa B. and Andrea T. - La leggenda di Lady Europa e le sue Dee/The legend of Lady Europe and her Goddesses by Rosa B. and Andrea T. - Lady Europe ed i suoi amici/Lady Europe and her Friends by Armand C. and Alessandro S. - La forza dell'amore/The power of love by Armand C. and Alessandro S. - La ragazza adorata dal popolo/The girl adored by her people by Francesca Q. - Il desiderio/The desire by Luca D. M. and Francesca M. - Una fata fortunata/A lucky fairy by Roberto C. 4h form/A - Europe, Goddess of solidarity, always defeats evil by Roberta R. - The Laws of the Goddess by Manuel F. - The elves and the Goddess of the Moon by Stacy M. - Europe and the seven stars by Alessio M. - The power of music and the value of good words by Desirée C. 4th form/C - Il cuore di una Dea chiamata Europa/The heart of a Goddess named Europe by Dario P. - La rosa e l'arco/The rose and the bow by Claudia S. - A little girl named Europe/Una bambina chiamata Europa by Eugenio C. 5th form/A - La ricerca dei valori umani/The search for human values by Giovanni P. - Europa, la dea della Luna/Europe, Goddess of the Moon by Piotr G. - Una lacrima per l'Europa/A tear for Europe by Daniela B. - Il principe innamorato/The prince in love by Damiano D.R.