“A little girl named
Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Europe.
This child had seven very special friends. She played with them and they always enjoyed themselves.
Their names were: Freedom, Democracy, Equality, Tolerance, Peace, Solidarity.
Freedom was a child who was always happy. She liked running and playing outside.
Democracy was a child who respected everything and everyone.
Equality was a child who liked travelling, meeting new people. She was without prejudices.
Tolerance was a child who was very generous and understanding.
Peace was the gentlest and quietest child in the group. She was always ready to dialogue.
Finally there was Solidarity. She was a generous and very kind child.
These seven friends were very united, but with time they lost sight of each other.
So one day Europe asked the Moon to reconcile her with her friends.
The Moon granted her desire and she built a very big house with many stars around it, where Europe and her friends could be happy and stay together.
When the house was finished, the seven friends went to live in it in perfect harmony.
The name of the house was and still is EUROPEAN UNION!
Then more friends arrived: Rule of Law and Human Dignity and Human Rights...
“Una bambina chiamata Europa”
una volta una bambina chiamata Europa.
bambina aveva delle amiche molto speciali con cui giocava e si divertiva molto, i loro nomi erano: Libertà, Democrazia, Uguaglianza,
Tolleranza, Pace, Solidarietà.
era bambina sempre allegra alla quale piaceva giocare all’aria aperta.
era una bambina molto equilibrata che rispettava tutto e tutti.
era una bimba cui piaceva viaggiare, per conoscere persone e non aveva pregiudizi per nessuno.
era una bimba che era molto disponibile e comprensibile.
era la bambina più gentile e tranquilla del gruppo sempre pronta al dialogo.
Per finire
c’era Solidarietà. Una bimba molto gentile e generosa con tutti.
sette amiche erano molto unite tra loro ma con il passare del tempo tra di loro ci furono diverse litigate che le fecero allontanare
l’una dall’altra.
un bel giorno Europea si rivolse alla luna ed espresse il desiderio di riappacificare
le sue amiche.
La luna
esaudì il duo desiderio e fece costruire un gigantesca casa contornata di stelle dove Europea e le sue amiche potessero stare
tutte insieme in armonia.
casa fu conclusa tutte e sette le amiche ci andarono a vivere, e la chiamarono chiamata Comunità Europea.
Poi si
aggiunsero altre due amiche: Rule of Law e Human Dignity and Human Rights.
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