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La forza dell'Amore
C’era una volta Lady Europe che aveva sei
figli di nome: Solidarietà, Pace, Tolleranza, libertà, democrazia e uguaglianza, che erano molto felici.La dea del male invidiosa
della loro felicità decise di interromperla causando una guerra ma fu inutile perché il bene era troppo forte e cosi la dea
del male fu sconfitta.Cosi la dea del bene visse felice e contenta con i suoi figli.
The power of love
Once upon a time, Lady Europe had six sons. Their names were: Solidarity, Peace, Tolerance, Freedom,
Democracy and Equality. They were very happy. The Goddess of Cruelty, envious of her happiness, decided to interrupt it causing
a war but it was a useless attempt because happiness and good will are strong feelings and the cruelty goddess was defeated.
Armand C.
Alessandro S.