Spring Day in Europe 2005 - Primavera dell'Europa 2005 -

I.I.S. Carlo Urbani - Sede Acilia Berlinguer - Rome/Italy - Legends for Europe 4th form/A
Punti di vista sui valori/Points of view on values
Idee per la Primavera dell'Europa 2005/Ideas for Spring Day in Europe 2005
Concorsi per tutti!! European Competitions!! - New!
"Solid... words!" An acrostic for solidarity! E.U. Schools' contributions
Inventa una leggenda per l'Europa/Invent a legend for Europe - New!
Lady Europe! Rappresentiamo l'Europa con una personificazione che ci ispiri...!

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Europa, Dea della solidarietà, sconfigge sempre il male.

Una volta, molti, molti anni fa, una dea molto cattiva chiamata Guerra, cercava in tutti i modi di distruggere il nostro Paese ed il nostro continente. Era seguita da ottimi allievi, come Crudeltà e Ingiustizia. Tentavano di conquistare il continente per governare nel nome del male.

Parecchi abitanti di questo continente senza nome erano d’accordo e contribuivano con delinquenza ed insurrezioni al suo piano.

Un giorno, una dea, stremata da tanta violenza, decise di ribellarsi nel nome del bene. Questa dea della solidarietà era chiamata Europa. Per sconfiggere, però, la dea Guerra, Europa dovette chiamare i suoi fidati amici: Uguaglianza, Democrazia, Libertà, Pace, Tolleranza, Stato di Diritto e Dignità Umana.

Dopo lunghe guerre e anni di sacrifici, finalmente, nel 2000, la dea Europa sconfisse Guerra, scrivendo la Carta dei Diritti Fondamentali, e unendo, cosi, a distanza di qualche anno 25 Paesi.

Questi, decisero di chiamare Europa questo continente, per ringraziare la dea. Lei e i suoi otto amici resteranno indimenticabili per sempre.

Roberta R.

Europe, Goddess of solidarity, always defeats evil.

A long, long time ago, a very bad goddess, called War, decided to destroy our Country and our continent. Very good followers, named “Cruelty” and “Injustice”, helped her.

They attempted to gain the continent and govern in name of evil.

Some inhabitants of this continent were enthusiastic of this kind of life and they contributed with delinquency and insurrections. One day, a good Goddess, exhausted by so much violence, decided to react to make “good will” prevail.

The name of this Goddess of solidarity was Europe.

To defeat the bad Goddess of War , Europe asked for help to her friends: “Equality”, “Democracy”, “Freedom”, “Peace”, “Tollerancy”, “Rule of Law”, “Human Dignity”.

After a series of very long wars and years of sacrifices, finally, in 2000, Europe defeated War, she wrote the “Charter of Fundamental Rights” and she united, in a few years, 25 Countries!

These Countries decided to call this big continent “European Union”, to thank the Goddess and in her honour. The Goddess and her eight friends will be unforgettable... forever!

Roberta R.



Gli elfi e la Dea della Luna.

Tanto tempo fa in una valle incantata, dove tutto era perfetto e regnava la tranquillità, vivevano 8 elfi di nomeFrodo,Aragorn,Arwen,Gandalf,Pipino,Legolas,Gimli e Savron.Ma un giorno,tutto ad un tratto, nella valle si presentò la Dea della Cattiveria.Che aveva dei capelli lunghi rosso fuoco con un lungo abito nero e il volto coperto da un velo scuro. Lei trasformò la valle in un luogo cupo e tenebroso e creando discordia tra gli abitanti della valle.Una notte inaspettatamente comparve in sogno agli 8 elfi la Dea della Luna, una donna bellissima con dei lunghi capelli biondi raccolti in testa da un lungo fiocco bianco, e indossando un abito bianco composto da tantissime farfalle, dicendo loro che dentro ogniuno di essi viveva il potere della tolleranza,delle pace,della libertà,della solidarietà, della uguaglianza,della democrazia,dello stato di diritto e dignità umana.Al loro risveglio si incontrarono e decisero di allontanare per sempre la Dea della Cattiveria. Dopo tanto sforzo e coraggio riuscirono a raggiungere il loro scopo e tutto tronò bello e sereno come era prima.

Stacy M.

The elves and the goddess of the moon.

A long time ago, in an enchanting valley, where everything was perfect and tranquillity reigned, there were 8 elves whose name were Frodo, Aragorn, Arwen, Gandalf, Pipino, Legolas, Gimli and Savron.

One day, all of a sudden, the goddess of evil arrived. She had red long hair, as red as fire; she wore a black long dress and a dark veil which covered her face.

She turned the valley into a dark and tenebrous place and made mischief between the inhabitants of the valley. Suddenly, one night the goddess of the moon, , appeared in the dreams of the 8 elves; she was a beautiful woman with blond long hair gathered up with a long white bow and she wore a white dress made up of many butterflies. She said that inside everyone of them there were the power of tolerance, peace, solidarity, equality, democracy, constitutional state and human dignity. When they woke, they met and decided to weed out the goddess of evil forever. After much effort and courage they managed to achieve their aim and everything came lovely and peaceful again, like it was before.

Stacy M.

Le leggi di Europa, Dea della luna

C’era una volta la dea della luna chiamata in antichità Dea Europa. Questa Ddea aveva molti anni e molta esperienza. Infatti capì che i suoi figli erano sempre in contrasto tra di loro. A questo punto la dea si prese un po’ di tempo per pensare e studiare una soluzione per mandarli d’accordo. Dopo molti anni, le venne in mente la bella idea di dare delle leggi che tutti dovevano rispettare. La dea, per dettare queste leggi, si ispirò a otto paesaggi (gli otto valori dell'U.E.) che, con la loro bellezza, aiutarono la dea a decidere. Queste leggi furono lette ai suoi figli. Alcuni accettarono, altri non accettarono, altri ancora si presero tempo per decidere. Con questa mossa la dea fece andare d’accordo i suoi figli anche se, come in tutte le famiglie, di tanto in tanto ancora si verificano dei malintesi…….

Manuel F.

The laws  of Europe, Goddess of the Moon

Once upon a time there was the Goddess of the moon.Her name was Europe. Europe was very old and had a lot of experience. In fact one day she understood that her children were always in contrast among themselves. So the Goddess took time to think and to study a solution to make her children get along well together. After many years, a beautiful idea came to her mind. She established some laws that all had to respect. To write these laws, Europe took ispiration from eight landscapes (the eight EU values) that with their beauty helped the goddess to decide. These laws were read to her children. Some accepted, others didn’t accept, others took time to decide. At this point the Goddess managed to see her children get along well together. However, like in all families, there still ore some misunderstandings from time to time.....

Manuel F.



Europe and the seven stars

Once upon a time the Goddess of the moon called Europe came down on earth to help people in need and with serious problems.

She was becoming elderly and in need of someone who helped her. In the sky, next to her, there were 7 stars and each of these represented a value.

Unfortunately on the earth there was a terrible person called “terrorism” that frightened people.

The earth and his collaborators decided to ask for help to all the people of the world. Europe, Goddess of the Moon, said that everybody had to respect the 8 values: peace, democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance, solidarity, rule of law and human dignity and rights.

Unfortunately these problems are not solved yet because some people do not respect the 8 values.

We hope that in the future the word “terrorism” is cancelled in our dictionary and the Goddess of the moon and his collaborators will win.



The power of music and the value of good words!

Do you want to know how Europe was born??

Once upon a time Europe, the goddess of the moon, was overcome by the good of evil. As a consequence, she was confined on the “dark planet” away from everything and from human beings who believed in her.

The bad god of evil began to guide the minds of men making them to become wicked. Not having Europa as point of reference, made them become negative and behave very badly.

Therefore the earth fell then in the hands of evil!

Europa didn' t know how to communicate with the human beings on earth. But one day she had a idea! She started to sing sweet songs... about peace, tolerance, democracy, solidarity, equality, freedom, human dignity and rule of law!!!!! The song touched the mind of the people that forming an alliance defeated the evil setting Europe free!

Therefore “Europa” was born, a population of beings who deeply believe in the importance of values!

Desirée C.

4th form/A