Spring Day in Europe 2005 - Primavera dell'Europa 2005 -

Solid... words! An acrostic for Solidarity! Instituto Inventor Cosme Garcìa - Logrono -Spain -Page 4

Punti di vista sui valori/Points of view on values
Idee per la Primavera dell'Europa 2005/Ideas for Spring Day in Europe 2005
Concorsi per tutti!! European Competitions!! - New!
"Solid... words!" An acrostic for solidarity! E.U. Schools' contributions
Inventa una leggenda per l'Europa/Invent a legend for Europe - New!
Lady Europe! Rappresentiamo l'Europa con una personificazione che ci ispiri...!


Some people are happy

Our souls live in harmony

Lights are on in this day

Imagine a world without wars

During all the years

A peaceful Europe

Run! Let us make a big Europe

Integration peace and democracy

This is our Europe

Young and good Europe!




Names:Javier L. E.

Nicolás A.

Age: 13 years old

School: IES Inventor Cosme García 2ºB

City (Country):Logroño, (La Rioja) Spain




S uddenly I get up and I think: “How do people live in other cultures? “

O nly I can help other people being their supporter.

L ove customs, cultures, languages are good options.

I dentify myself with the life of the rest of the world.

D id we do anything good in the past? Yes, but we should do better.

A nother options can help us too.

R emember we should think of the other poor countries because they need help to survive

I’ m interested in meeting people from different cultures.

T ry to keep an open mind to understand other people.

You should realise that life is an interesting adventure!






Names: Tamara L., Amanda D L S T, Marta M

Age: 13

Level: 2nd of ESO

School: I.E.S. Inventor Cosme Garcia

City (Region): Logroño (La Rioja)

Country: Spain





S ome boys wanted to make a composition about Europe.

O ne of them surfed on the net and looked for some words.

L ater they decided to interview some people about it.

I n the EU we have got the same currency, it was one of the answers.

D emocracy exists in our countries to vote a European Constitution, man.

A lot of people thought that peace among the countries, was necessary.

R espect European people in all the countries.

I n the EU there are no boundaries among countries.

T hey wrote the composition with all the ideas and they thought.

Y oung people, elderly and children should fight for our Union.




Names: Ester, Clara, Sandra y Jorge.

Age: 13-14 years old.

Level: 2nd of ESO

School: I.E.S. Cosme García

City: Logroño.

Region: La Rioja

Country: (Spain) 




S ome people in Europe haven’t got the same right-hand

O n the E.U. the objectives are “liberty peace…..”

L iving in Europe is different in each country

I n our continent we should be honest and polite

D ay after day we build a better Europe

A nybody should not discriminate other people

R espect every European, every citizen!!!

I n the E.U we are 25 states with different beliefs thoughts, …

T oday people can change and be a big family

Y es, we like being Europeans!!!



1.      Names: María N., Carmen D, Eva R., Alba P., Aymara Z.

2.      Ages: 13 years

3.      Level: 2nd of ESO

4.      High school: I.E.S Cosme García

5.      City: Logroño

6.      Country: Spain