European Maritime Exhibition - Water connecting Europe
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Germany's part in the project     

Germany produced a written project on the maritime situation in the area around Leer. Students also filled the European window with information regarding the partner countries schools. An exhibition of the former navigation school of Leer was set up and a cd-rom presentation of it produced. Some students wrote their final exam thesis about harbours and shipping companies of Ostfriesland and made a power point presentation on it which they publicly showed in June 2003. Another project and Cd-rom were made on the possibility of practising water sports in Ostfriesland.

Map of the area

Leer Exhibition Poster

German sailing ships

During 2004-2005, Germany has managed to:


-        work on the subject of “Ostfriesland, land of water” presenting a PPT presentation;

-        exchange the projects results with the partners;

-        organize and present the project on the day of national official appointment of the title of  European School” to BBS 1 – Leer” by the German Ministry of Education under the topic “ISPS code security for maritime world wide security on board”

-        produce maritime themes to fill in the window of Europe in the main hall of the school;

-        make folders and websites of  the international partners in Europe

-        participate to the “Marìa Teresa Navas Saéz” International Graphic competition

Find out more about Germany's contribution to the project during the three school years (2002/2005) clicking here!