The above mentioned International Graphic competition
and a CD rom produced by Italy with the
collaboration of the partner countries are to be considered as common products realised through constant ICT communication
and active interaction. The latter has also favoured the dissemination of the products among the partner countries by the
national representatives.
Using English as the vehicular language, no obstacle whatsoever to cooperation was found even
because the Teachers’ meetings have simplified exchange of ideas, opinions and programmes.
They were carried out as follows:
Logrono – 27th November,
2004 – 2nd December 2004
Drobeta Turnu Severin – 20th February 2005 -25 February 2005
Rome – 15th July 2005 – 21st July 2005
ICT communication has substituted direct contact, when back to home countries, enhancing the
possibility of distributing tasks and monitoring progresses and results.
The evaluation of the project has been taken care of
by all the partners throughout the whole three-year period. The products, the impact and the motivation noticed in
the students have convinced partner countries that the results of the project were more than satisfactory. Further opportunities
of continuing this valid collaboration for other international projects are seriously being taken into consideration.